PupsEmpire Ultrasonic bark control tool

Welcome to PupsEmpire! Our mission is to help all who are dog owned, to find solutions to their needs. Pups Empire has a collection of pup-friendly tools, toys, and necessities.

Our labrador has tested many if not everything here. We are always looking for new and playful toys, treats, and chew things to keep our pup busy and happy.

Our Lab (Izzy) is a perfect test lab, she is 1 1/2 years old as of this writing and can destroy a toy in seconds which is how we judge what gets added to this site. The items listed on pupsempire.com have lasted more than a day of average play with our pup.

The ultrasonic anti-bark training tool is one of our featured items. Cute looking and easy to use.

Ultrasonic Bark Control Device PupsEmpire

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